AVI Celebrates our amazing Nurses... featuring Christine Urquhart

Meet Christine Urquhart, HIV Nurse Clinician for AVI Health Centre in Nanaimo. 
  • How long have you been a nurse? I have been nursing for too many years (30+) and have worked in sexual health for more than 16 years now.
  • What brought you to nursing? It’s a long story but my sisters thought I would make a terrible nurse.  I have learned so much about people and have much compassion for the people I serve. I feel they have made me into a better person and my sisters might agree.
  • What do you like about your workplace? I love my workplace and the people I serve. I work with a great team including the 5 doctors. We are all committed to our patients. It is a pleasure to work at AVI. I love working with people to help them feel good about themselves by offering a safe space and assistance with health care. I am humbled
  • If you weren’t a nurse, you would be: A professional shopper
  • If you were a dance move, you would be: I would like to dance like the Irish step dancers can
  • If you were an animal, you would be: a momma bear
  • If you were an instrument, you would be: the piano or the cello- but I love music
  • If you had a million dollars to spend anyway you wanted to, you would: Save the world- I would like most to see everyone have a home and everyone have food in their bellies.
  • Any shout outs to other nurses you want to share? All the retired nurses out there who have come back to work to help in the midst of COVID